Damage Assessment & Insurance Claim Analysis

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Weather Damage

Hail and windstorm damage inspection and evaluation

A roof that has been damaged by hail or wind can seriously affect your structure. Water entering through roof leaks can damage ceiling, walls, structural supports and even the foundation.

At Perry and Reeves, we can help identify and evaluate roof damage in time to stop problems from becoming bigger – and more costly. We can help you determine the extent of the damage so that you can make sure issues are repaired properly.

Weather and Hail Damage Assessment Insurance Claim Analysis
Hail Damage on Commercial Roofs

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Insurance claim analysis

Over the years our experts have dealt with numerous insurance claims and we understand that our customers want to settle their insurance claims fairly and quickly as possible. At Perry and Reeves, we provide an unbiased expert evaluation of storm damages and a forecast of required roof repairs or roof replacement needs. We work for building owners or insurance companies to provide evaluations. Wind uplift testing or laboratory testing is available when required.

Extensive Experience

Unbiased Expertise

Comprehensive Services